2013, Number 11
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MediSan 2013; 17 (11)
Effectiveness of the minimally invasive surgery in a university hospital of Santiago de Cuba
Luzardo SEM, González MD, González CR, Adames IS
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 7078-7085
PDF size: 49.54 Kb.
A prospective and descriptive study was carried out in 112 patients, attended in "Dr.
Ambrosio Grillo Portuondo" University Hospital of Santiago de Cuba, from June 2011 to
December 2012, in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of minimally invasive
surgery in those affected. Female sex (75.9%), elective surgeries and vesicular
lithiasis as the most frequent condition (73.2%) prevailed in the case material. The
presence of scars from previous surgery, age and associated diseases did not
constitute limitations for selecting patients, and only in 3 of them the conversion to
conventional technique was used due to anatomical technical difficulties. There were
not deaths. The most significant complication was the injury of hepatocholedochal duct
in 2 cholecystectomies.
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