2013, Number 3
Right Atrial Myxoma Beginning with Systemic Paradoxical Embolism Through a Coexistent Interatrial Communication
Tarelo SJM, García OMS, Revilla CH, Hernández LD, Díaz QG
Language: Spanish
References: 6
Page: 277-279
PDF size: 179.17 Kb.
A 41 year-old male patient, born of Oaxaca City and resident in Mexico City, married, catholic, policeman, with genetic load for diabetes mellitus 2 and newly diagnosed and controlled hypertension, suffered cerebral ischemic event six months ago. The patient recovered without significant sequelae. An etiologic protocol revealed altered findings in chest radiography, transthoracic echocardiography with dilatation of the right chambers and a mass in right atrium compatible with myxoma, about 47 x 31 mm, highly mobile, protruding to the tricuspid valve but not deforming structurally, and an evident foramen ovale. Tumor was extirpated after complete preoperative protocol. Surgical procedure was performed in conventional form without intraoperative incidents, with bicaval cannulation and direct right atrial approach. A specimen of 6 x 5 cm, attached to the roof of the right atrium, with a rubbery consistency, resected completely and sent to histopathological laboratory. In addition, a permanent foramen ovale of 8 mm was closed. The patient recovered satisfactorily and was discharged because a clinical improvement after 24 hours in intensive care and four days on floor. Pathology report indicated right atrial myxoma. An interatrial septal defect that explains pathophysiologically a left-like behavior is extremely rare. The evolution of this patient was satisfactory before, during and after surgery.REFERENCES