2012, Number 4
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2012; 16 (4)
A strategy to develop research skills in medical s tudents. Medical University, Pinar del Rio
Herrera MGL, Fernández MZC, Horta MDM
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 98-112
PDF size: 134.82 Kb.
Introduction: the process to develop skills is carried out throughout conscious
processes; considering when planning it, the approach of the future health
professional to the social circumstances and environment together w ith the
comprehensive development of personality, determined by the socio -historical
experience mainly, taking into account the activity and the place where the action
should be taken, which constitutes the original component of a skill or skills. The
process to develop research skills in medical studies is insufficient considering the
way they act, showing systemic and systematic thinking.
Objective: to design a strategy to the development of research skills in medical
students and its implementation in t he syllabus of this studies favoring the
development of the ways of acting for the future comprehensive doctor.
Methods: dialectic-materialist as a general method, historical -logical, systemicstructural
and modelling as theoretical methods as well as gro up interview to the
directives of the Medical Studies, surveys to medical students and professors,
documentary review and the opinion of experts as empiric methods. Descriptive
statistics included: distribution frequency and measures of central trend.
Results: a strategy was designed to the development of research skills in medical
students, which was positively validated by the experts, contributing to its
Conclusion: the process to develop research skills in medical students at the
Medical University in Pinar del Rio is expressed by systemic and systematic
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