2002, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2002; 10 (2)
Occupational Therapy utility with mastectomized women on rehabilitation
Falcão JBIC, Carvalho FAF, Magalhães SR, Holanda GA
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 79-84
PDF size: 42.31 Kb.
The present study aimed at to analyze the benefits of activities
group with mastectomized women. This work took place in the
Department of Nursing of UFC, with integral women of the group
GEPAM (Group of Teaching, Research, Self Help, and Attendance
to the Womem Mastectomized). The collection of data was
accomplished in the period of July to October of 2000. The
sample consisted, on average, from 10 to 17 participant women,
of the group and it didn't take into account the race, sex, civil
status and age group and only, the fact of they be integral of the
group. The data were organized in agreement with the analysis
of content of the speeches contained in a category. We noticed
that the feelings commonly presented by these women they
involved the fear, the rage, the rejection and the blame. They
were pointed as benefits of an activity
therapeutic group the changes
in the physical appearance
and personal cares, changes of
attitudes front to streeful situations,
increase of the functional independence,
it gets better of the life quality.
The factors that had an influence
were the socialization and the communication
among the group. Before
the discoveries, we understood
that happened significant changes
in the women's life.
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