2013, Number 09
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2013; 81 (09)
Anticonceptivos de larga duración reversibles: una estrategia eficaz para la reducción de los embarazos no planeados
Lira-Plascencia J, Velázquez-Ramírez N, Ibargüengoitia-Ochoa F, Montoya-Romero JJ, Castelazo-Morales E, Valerio-Castro E
Language: Spanish
References: 59
Page: 530-540
PDF size: 243.77 Kb.
Long-term contraception, reversible, have shown high rates
of effectiveness and long-term compliance, with few contraindications.
However, despite that Mexico has a variety of
reversible contraception, most women still using less effective
options. The resulting health benefits of contraception are
important because they prevent unintended pregnancy, reduce
the number of abortions and the incidence of death and disability
related to pregnancy and childbirth complications. The
Committee for Reproductive Health and Sexual Rights of the
Mexican Federation of Colleges of Obstetrics and Gynecology
(FEMECOG) conducted a literature review to evaluate the
use of long-term contraception reversible as an effective and
accessible tool to reduce the incidence unintended pregnancy
and its consequences.
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