2013, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2013; 16 (3)
The Coatlicue and Mixcoatl inheritance: the complex family structures in a rural comunity from Chiapas
Flores CVC, Sánchez CG
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 948-971
PDF size: 302.69 Kb.
Throughout history, the family structures have been modified
according to modernization, technological advances and new
social and support networks that are woven into increasingly
populated communities, a determining influence on the lifestyle
societies and families. But, how this modernization can impact
to rural communities? We analyzed the existing structures in
these communities through case studies of five families in a
rural community in Chiapas. The analysis has been based on
three important aspects of family structure: changes in the
hierarchy, gender roles and centrality, in addition to other points
touched the influence of alcohol in modifying it structures and
seeking support in one of the children. These three aspects
provide a historical, generational, hereditary, practices and
customs that have changed, or not, under the influence of new
types of family association, in which the people of these rural
communities despite their direct contact with big cities, fail to be
plucked from the surroundings where they have lived all their
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