2013, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2013; 16 (3)
To write to the father.the paternal function in the late adolescence: comparison between Italy and México
Osorio GM, De Rosa B, Parrello S, Sommantico M
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 888-902
PDF size: 223.69 Kb.
The main objective of this study was to compare the
representation of the father, who have late adolescents in two
different contexts analyzing the content and narrative form of a
sample of Italian and Mexican adolescents, using a narrative
tool called "Letter to my father that would identify the roles of
parental rules that allowed to identify the functions normative
paternal 392 university students participated (190 Italians and
202 Mexicans, χ= 19.6 years, SD = 0.98); analysis was
performed using the software ALCESTE (Reinert, 1993, 1995).
The results indicated that the Italian corpus were 5 classes of
lexical universes (stability 60.15%) and 4 types of Mexican
corpus (67.06% stability). There are similarities: an expression
of gratitude and appreciation, conscience and limited dialogue
with cultural differences regarding the real abandonment of the
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