2013, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2013; 16 (3)
Comparison of teaching performance of pedagogy and urinary and genital system modules as from the student’s opinion
Osornio CL, Sánchez RA, Ríos SMR, Ramírez GLI
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 825-847
PDF size: 327.09 Kb.
The repercussion of teacher’s performance in medical student’s
formation is undeniable, for that reason it’s indispensable than
the teachers and the institutions have the elements to make an
evaluation of teachers which we can open opportunities of
reflection about teaching practice with the intention of improve
the university learning process. The object of this work is to
compare the teaching performance of teachers of Pedagogy
and Urogenital system classes based on the student opinions.
The sample was purposive and participated 616 students, 237
of Pedagogy and 379 of urogenital system of medical career.
The only inclusion criteria were to curse those classes on the
2013-II semester. The students answered the Valenzuela´s
Questionnaire to evaluate teacher performance (2002) that
evaluates seven categories: dynamism, class preparation and
program fulfillment, evaluation and qualify criteria, respect for
students, domain of matter, professional approach, motivation
on the student and, personal style. In the comparison of results
we found important statistics differences between teachers of
both subjects about the opinion of students on they
performance (
t= 8.995, gl= 615, p‹.000). The teachers of
urogenital system were evaluated like “very good teachers” in
all categories; the teachers of Pedagogy class were evaluated
like “good teachers” and had a below average in the next
categories: class preparation and accomplishment of the
program, evaluation and qualify criteria, and respect for
students. Finally, with the student’s opinion about teaching
performance we can make an emphasis on strengths and
weaknesses of teachers in medical career.
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