2013, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2013; 39 (3)
Conventional Medicine and Natural and Traditional Medicine: methodological reasons and unreasons
Silva ALC, Rojas OF, Sansó SF, Alonso GP
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 556-570
PDF size: 77.31 Kb.
The present paper is the first of the two parts showing a set of observations derived
from Dr.
Jorge Garcia Salman's reply to the article entitled "The debate on Natural
and Traditional Medicine and its implications for the public health" published by this
journal. The points of convergence with the opinions of
Garcia Salman were stated
and then an analysis was made on the criteria about the methodological aspects that
deserve to be answered. Some criteria to defend the scientific method as a universally
accepted process to make contributions to science were offered, and at the same
time, the non-systematic use of this process by the Natural and Traditional Medicine
was questioned. Some arguments were provided about the clinical experimentation as
an intellectual conquest as well as the role of the randomized clinicals trials which
provides the deepest and most revealing way of developing criteria about causality in
the biomedical processes. Likewise, essential elements on the role of placebo in
research were presented. It was concluded that the highest expression of respect to
science in general and to Natural and Traditional Medicine in particular, lies in pointing
out their occasional errors of which a number of examples was offered.
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