2013, Number 1
Behavior of mucogingival disorders in the child population
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: the mucogingival disorders because of the consequences that they may bring about, should be considered among the risk factors for periodontal disease.Objective: to describe the presence of mucogingival disorders in the child population.
Methods: a descriptive observational research was carried out. The study universe consisted of children between 9 and 12 years old of "Renato Guitart" primary school in Güines municipality, Mayabeque province, during the school year 2006-2007. For this purpose, it was studied the presence of gingival recession in the lower incisor region, the insertion of the frenulum of lower lip and the height of the inserted gum.
Results: 15.5 % of the examined children presented visible gingival recession; pathogenic frenulum insertion was found in 11.5 % and the null height of the inserted gum occurred in 4.7 %.
Conclusions: the presence of mucogingival disorders since childhood constitute a reality.
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