2013, Number 1
Comportment of behavior disorders in a group of children of primary education
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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Introduction: behavior disorders in children constitute a complicated group of behavioral and emotional problems.Objective: to describe the comportment of behavior disorders in a group of primary education children.
Methods: a descriptive, transversal, cohort study was performed in children with behavior disorders, in the area of "Noelio Capote" polyclinic in Jaruco municipality, province Mayabeque in the school year period 2008-2009. The universe was made up of a total of 84 school age children (primary) diagnosed by the Diagnostic and Counseling Center of the municipality as children with behavior disorders. It was used a sample of 42 children, selected by simple random method, the variables used were age, sex, race, family functioning, fulfillment of preventive measures according to priority group and if they receive specialized care.
Results: the predominant age group was that of 9-11 years old, male sex and white in which it was also found the most dysfunctional families, followed by those severely dysfunctional, the consultation attendance that most prevailed was present in the priority one, in the priority two no child attended to consultation.
Conclusions: patients belonging to dysfunctional and severely dysfunctional families predominated in the study, to whom it was administered preventive measures. It was recommended to carry out the preventive work with the participation of the multidisciplinary team and verify the strict adherence to each preventive measure.
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