2013, Number 1
Screening of gynecological disorders detected by transvaginal ultrasound in climacteric stage patients
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Introduction: diagnostic ultrasound is technique of imagenology that is noninvasive or emit ionizing radiation, it is painless and can be repeated at short intervals, forming a perfect visualization technique.Objective: to determine the disorders most frequently detected by transvaginal ultrasound as a diagnostic method in the ultrasound service of "Luis Li Trijent" Teaching Polyclinic.
Methods: a retrospective descriptive study was performed on the most common disorders detected by transvaginal echography as a diagnosis means with the use of sector transducer in the ultrasound service of "Luis Li Trijent" Teaching Polyclinic. The universe was formed by 435 cases, coinciding with the studied sample. Daily record sheets made during that period were reviewed with the help of the statistical department of the unit, different variables were studied according to the proposed objectives.
Results: it was found that 89 % of cases were positive. The age group of 40-45 years prevailed, being the gynecobstetric room of the Maternal Hospital, the most common place of origin of the medical indications. Localized uterus disorders predominated, where the endometrial compact line had greater significance.
Conclusions: in ovarian diseases, tumors and cervix, the more relevant were fibroma, low insertion of intrauterine devices and carcinoma. It is suggested the use of transvaginal ultrasound service by the medical staff and develop promotion actions, prevention for the early diagnosis of gynecological disorders.
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