2013, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2013; 10 (2)
Addictive risk in adolescents with deviated behavior
Fabelo RJR, Iglesias MS, González GS
Language: Spanish
References: 27
PDF size: 119.14 Kb.
Introduction: the risk to develop addictive behaviors shows with special relevance in adolescents
with deviated behavior, which is defined as the systematic violation of the social norms.
Objective: to identify factors of risk for the consumption of drugs in a group of adolescents with
deviated behavior that they attended institutions of the secondary education of Havana in the
academic year 2011 – 2012.
Methods: we were carried out a descriptive study in 67 adolescents with deviated behavior
coming from institutions of the half level of teaching of Havana that required attention and
specialized orientation. The information was obtained starting from a scale it has more than
enough factors of risk for the development of addictive behaviors, a clinical interview and a brief
exploration neuropsychological.
Results: We specify that among the adolescents with deviated behavior those of the masculine
sex and the range of ages understood among the 14 y16 years that the initiation in the
consumption was predominantly with illegal drugs and alcohol prevailed and that the factors of
community risks singular and it plows those from incidence when facilitating the initiation it lives
in the consumption of substances psicoactivas. It was also corroborated the existence of
alterations in the executive functions in most of the studied fellows.
Conclusions: the readiness of the drug, the drop tolerance to the frustration, the difficulty to
resist pressures grupales, the family consumption and difficulties in the communication with the
parents is the indicators of more repercussion in the risk it stops in consumption of drugs in these.
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