2013, Number 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2013; 51 (5)
Cost-effectiveness of two hospital care schemes for psychiatric disorders
Nevárez-Sida A, Valencia- Huarte E, Escobedo-Islas O, Constantino-Casas P, Verduzco- Fragoso W, León-González G
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 506-513
PDF size: 130.47 Kb.
Background: In Mexico, six of every twenty Mexicans suffer psychiatric
disorders at some time in their lives. This disease ranks fifth in the country.
The objective was to determine and compare the cost-effectiveness
of two models for hospital care (partial and traditional) at a psychiatric
hospital of
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS).
Methods: a multicenter study with a prospective cohort of 374 patients
was performed. We made a cost-effectiveness analysis from an institutional
viewpoint with a six-month follow-up. Direct medical costs were
analyzed, with quality of life gains as outcome measurement. A decision
tree and a probabilistic sensitivity analysis were used.
Results: patient care in the partial model had a cost 50 % lower than the
traditional one, with similar results in quality of life. The cost per successful
unit in partial hospitalization was 3359 Mexican pesos while in the
traditional it increased to 5470 Mexican pesos.
Conclusions: treating patients in the partial hospitalization model is a
cost-effective alternative compared with the traditional model. Therefore,
the IMSS should promote the infrastructure that delivers the psychiatric
services to the patient attending to who requires it.
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