2005, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2005; 13 (3)
Burnout syndrome and cardiovascular somatic symptoms in nurses from a health facility in the Distrito Federal
Hernández-Vargas CI, Juárez-García A, Hernández-Mendoza E, Ramírez-Páez JA
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 125-132
PDF size: 130.28 Kb.
Introduction: Burnout syndrome is relatively often present in personnel who work in health facilities as an affective psycho-social response of showing oneself emotionally exhausted; it is manifested through negative attitudes and feelings toward workers. Cardiovascular diseases are de most significant among the produced physical alterations.
Objectives: 1) To identify the level of Burnout Syndrome within a group of nurses in a health facility in the Distrito Federal; 2) To determine the relation between Burnout Syndrome, cardiovascular somatic symptoms, and blood pressure measurements.
Methodology: In 109 nurses Bournout score was assessed through Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBIG-S) Core version with two subscales: emotional tiredness(0.85) and depersonalization (0.78); a questionnaire of cardiovascular symptoms and a protocol of estimated points of blood pressure at work.
Results: 67% of nurses were predominant with medium Burnout score; low and high levels were represented with 19% and 14% respectively. It was obtained a significant correlation (r=348 p£=0.01) between the cardiovascular symptoms and Bournout syndrome, as well as with the component of emotional tiredness (r=374 p£=0.01). The relation between blood pressure and Burnout Syndrome it did not show significance.
Conclusions: The significant relation between cardiovascular symptoms and Burnout syndrome showed subjectively a first manifestation of cardiovascular disease which can be physically exposed latter. In the case of emotional tiredness and cardiovascular symptoms, a hypothesis is founded: as long as physical and emotional tiredness are perceived in and by working, there is an increment in presence of cardiovascular disease.
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