2013, Number 3
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Rev cubana med 2013; 52 (3)
Atherosclerotic vascular risk profile in patients who died of sudden cardiac death
Vilches IE, Ochoa MLA, González LM, Ramos ML, Tamayo VND, García OD, Díaz LH
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 146-160
PDF size: 103.81 Kb.
Objective: to determine the atherosclerotic vascular risk profile in patients who died of sudden cardiac death, treated in "Julio Trigo López" Hospital during the period 2007- 2011.
Methods: an observational, analytical, and non-matched case-control study was conducted.
Results: some atherosclerotic vascular risk factors were expressed significantly in the group of patients who died of sudden cardiac deaths (hypertension, smoking, obesity, ischemic heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, alcoholism). It was confirmed that the existence of 3 or more factors exponentially increases the risk of sudden cardiac death on total cardiovascular mortality. A significant presence of coronary atherosclerotic lesions was found in both groups, which determined the onset of coronary thrombosis and/or acute myocardial infarction that predominated in sudden deaths.
Conclusions: there were no specific risk factors for sudden cardiac death. Some of them showed an increased probability for this type of event. The search for a risk profile for sudden cardiac death should be oriented to the research design which would include vital statistics of global mortality and not the specific causes (cardiovascular).
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