2013, Number 4
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Rev Odont Mex 2013; 17 (4)
Dental treatment in patients with anti-platelet (anti-aggregating) therapy
Cedeño MJA, Rivas RN, Tuliano CRA
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 256-260
PDF size: 236.78 Kb.
Anti-platelet therapy is nowadays considered essential for those patients who are at risk to sustain strokes (cerebro-vascular events), thrombus formation, as well as in cases of coronary valvular prostheses (stents). This therapy allows prophylaxis before any possible thrombo-embolic event. Tendency to bleeding is doubtlessly one of its secondary effects. It therefore becomes relevant to be knowledgeable with consequences that might be encountered in common dental practice so as to avoid accidents and prevent post-operative bleeding (hemorrhage). The aim of the present study was to present drugs most used in this therapy, discuss their mechanism of action and to develop a defined protocol for the proper care of these patients.
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