2011, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2011; 14 (2)
Family functioning in university students
Guadarrama GR, Marquez MO, Veytia LM, León HA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 179-192
PDF size: 135.80 Kb.
The research objective was to determine the family functioning
of university students from six different degrees, for which work
with a stratified random sample of type, taken from a public
university, integrated over 291 subjects. The instrument applied
was, the guest of Family Functioning Assessment prepared by
Atri and Zetune in 1987. This instrument assesses both
dysfunctional aspects and functionality. The questionnaire was
applied in the classroom with verbal cues, indicating the
purpose of research and data confidentiality. The results
showed that a large number of students perceived their family
as dysfunctional, and these areas report the most students,
regardless of the degree being studied. But they also point to
aspects that make your family feel is functional as part of his
family, illness and suffering of family members. In this sense we
can conclude that college students are people who need to
develop not only their academic abilities but also their personal
abilities to afford in the future successfully develop
professionally, it is known that personal stories are repeated
and will reflect in the workplace.
Key words: family functioning, university, dysfunctional,
professional development.
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