2011, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2011; 14 (2)
Clinical intervention at dyads mother-child to improve the social behavior and student achievement in basic level
Jiménez RD, Hernández MI
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 68-89
PDF size: 150.82 Kb.
In the present, we worked with four mother-child dyads.
The treatment that received consisted in the application of
cognitive-behavioral techniques oriented to favor and to
fortify in the mothers, the theoretical-practical bases of the
democratic style of rising. Democratic style of raising
exerted by parents (mostly mothers), is related to both
high rates of appropriate behavior and satisfactory grade
point averages that show the children. Exercise a
democratic parenting style is primarily considered in terms
of the children meet their needs and demands without
losing control and parental authority. On the other hand,
parent training is a therapeutic approach is to empower
parents and other caregivers about the techniques and
strategies to understand and deal directly with behavior
problems of their children. The impact of this treatment
was evaluated in the children with the global averages
corresponding to a scholastic cycle, as well as of a
bimonthly report of the primary school that registered the
levels of inadequate conduct. The authors made some
suggestions, which help in further clinical interventions
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