2011, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2011; 14 (2)
A proposal to evacuate building in safety in case of disaster
Rivera TH, Mazadiego ITJ, Martínez CC
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 49-67
PDF size: 135.67 Kb.
The objective of this proposal is to achieve an incident where
the largest number of buildings remain standing, the time
needed to evacuate in an efficient and orderly manner,
preserving the physical integrity of the occupants. A study of
behavior in the occupation of premises which have massive
merger events, where any incident may seriously compromise
safety. We performed a comparison of drainage systems in tall
buildings in various places with reference to the model
(Jonathan Shimshoni) with simulated events and registered
accessibility evacuation in case of accident. We use the
simulation method applied to the Building Regulations Federal
District Government (RCGDF) and the Rules of the Trade
Directorate of Capital, Mendoza, and the Basic Standard of
Building, Fire Protection conditions (NBE-CPI -96). Based on
their behavior in evacuation devices for tall buildings, maximum
occupations, number and dimensions of exits, and the results in
terms of the effects of unexpected response, the magnitude in a
state of hysteria for safe evacuation in case fire, explosions,
terrorist attacks, earthquakes and other natural disasters or
manmade. However, the height of buildings, distribution and
occupation cause a serious problem of disposal in a crisis
situation. All studies are conducted, seeking to improve the
functionality and structural strength of buildings, as well as
safeguarding the physical integrity of the occupants, providing
external forms of disposal, efficient, orderly and safe. The
results show that building tall buildings are absolutely sure that
it is extremely difficult.
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