2011, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2011; 14 (2)
Academical stress: a critical review of the concept from Science Education
Román CCA, Hernández RY
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 90.48 Kb.
The current conception about the academical stress lacks the
essential psycho- pedagogical approach. This work aims at
enunciating the concept of the academical stress, starting from
a historical revision and the valuation of the specialized
literature, also including the theoretical references from the
Sciences of the Education. At the present time, the academical
stress has been defined by the psychological individualistic
trend, whose transactional approach, has acknowledged the
student as the center of the phenomenon. However, this
conception has its limitations concerning contextualization in the
educational field. Outstanding facts are the conception of the
academical stress which is from a mainly cognitive
psychological perception, the exclusion of the character of
activity of education, the omission of adaptive results as a
materialization , the lack of possible interactions among the
demands of the educational environment in the process, the
absence of mechanisms and institutional adjustment processes
in the teaching management for intervening, theoreticmethodological
incongruence among approaches, concepts
and instruments used in the investigations, and finally, the
exclusive treatment of the academical stress as distress. The
new concept involves the theoretical basics of the historical
cultural approach, the system and process character, and the
implications of the teaching-learning components with their
dynamic relations, a didactic and managing teaching approach,
with the view of generating the needed educational change.
The inclusion of these facts starts a concept about the
academical stress, which allows the theoretical methodological
articulation for its diagnosis and intervention from the Sciences
of Education
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