2012, Number 2
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AbanicoVet 2012; 2 (2)
Micronucleus blood test as genotoxic biomarker
Cedano DA, Martínez GS, Escalera VF, Salgado MS, Carrillo DF, Macías CH, Peña PB
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 43-54
PDF size: 324.65 Kb.
Among the multiple pollutants harm the genotoxic effect is expressed in various forms,
such as teratogenicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of course. Therefore, it is
important to detect these compounds or harmful agents. There are several tests to
identify genotoxic agents and the micronucleus test is the simplest and cheapest. It is
possible to use it in vivo and in vitro, in plants and animals. Micronuclei are chromosome
fragments or whole chromosomes that spontaneously or due to genotoxic agents,
remain outside the nucleus during cell division. There are animals that spontaneously
present micronucleated erythrocytes and with the effect of an inductor
micronucleogénico this value increases, however, there are living beings who
spontaneously and even with the effect of the inducer, do not present micronucleated
erythrocytes; this is due to proper filter control of the hematopoietic system, which with
increasing age it is more efficient.
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