2012, Number 2
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AbanicoVet 2012; 2 (2)
Function and mechanism of leptin in ruminants
Esperanza HT, Manuel MO
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 33-42
PDF size: 264.06 Kb.
The objective of this research is to understand the mechanisms of leptin action in
ruminants, since it is a hormone that allows determining properly the nutritional status of
cattle. Leptin is a plasma protein formed by 167 amino acids and it is synthesized in
adipose tissue; it provides information about the animal´s reserves of fat, acts as an
efferent regulator of appetite, energy output, and the reproductive function. In addition
leptin was positively correlated with the increase in body mass and affects the function
and presence of other hormones such as insulin and growth hormone. These
compounds collectively, reflect the adequate supply of nutrients with respect to their
utilization; so, determining the concentration of leptin would determine the nutritional
status of livestock accurately.
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