2011, Number 4
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2011; 12 (4)
One-year neurodevelopment in high-risk newborns managed in a second-level hospital
Rodríguez BHMC
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 171-173
PDF size: 168.74 Kb.
Objective: To know the early neurodevelopmental outcome in high-risk newborns from a second-level Mexican hospital.
Methods: This is a descriptive study on the early neurodevelopment of 30 high-risk newborns from the Hospital General de Zona/Unidad de Medicina Familiar No. 8 «Dr. Gilberto Flores Izquierdo». Relevant variables were registered, such as pregnancy length, type of birth, Apgar evaluation, weight at birth, pregnancy and perinatal antecedents.
Results: Sixteen (53%) male-gender and 14 (46%) female-gender newborns were registered. A total of 20 (66%) pregnancies progressed with acute fetal distress, 6 (20%) with pre-existent fetal or maternal illness, and 5 (16%) with urinary tract infections. Apgar evaluation at birth was 8 or 9 in 11 (36%) newborns, and ‹8 in 19 (63%). Birth weight was ‹ 2500 g in 15 (50%), and between 2500 and 4000 g in the other half. Neonatal hypoxia was registered in 19 (63%) cases, neonatal pneumonia in 8 (26%) and sepsis in 7 (23%). At 1-year follow-up, brain computed tomography scan was normal in 8 (26%) cases, with brain atrophy in 16 (53%), hydrocephalus in 3 (10%), hygroma in 1 (3.3%), encephalomalacia in 1 (3.3%) and arteriovenous malformation in other case (3.3%). The 1-year functional outcome was upper motor neuron syndrome in 15 (50%) cases, cerebral palsy in 8 (26%) and epilepsy in 7 (23%).
Conclusions: High-risk newborns had a high frequency of complications at birth and a high probability of structural and functional central nervous system abnormalities.
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