2013, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2013; 27 (3)
Evaluation of empathetic orientation in Odontology students
Sánchez JL, Padilla GM, Rivera UI, Zamorano AA, Díaz NVP
Language: Spanish
References: 28
PDF size: 216.15 Kb.
The aim of the present work is to evaluate the emphatic orientation, considering the
gender and course factors, in Odontology students in the Health Sciences Faculty of
the Latin American University of Sciences and Technology in Costa Rica. The sample
was composed of 225 students from the 1
st, 2
nd, 3
rd, 4
th and 5
th levels in Odontology
Studies. They were inquired using a tool called The Jefferson Scale of Physician
Empathy-Student Version (JSPE-S) during a week, a determined day per level. After
carrying out the statistical analysis, it was found that the higher levels show higher
levels of empathetic orientation than the rest of the courses examined in both genders.
It is due to the increase of the students' clinical practice at the end of the studies and
to the responsibility and commitment they achieve with their patients. Also, in general,
empathetic orientation is higher in females than in males and it is evolving differently
through years of studies.
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