2013, Number 2
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AbanicoVet 2013; 3 (2)
Chemical composition and ruminal fermentation of diet by grazing cattle in native rangelands of east Durango
Murillo-Ortiz M, Reyes-Estrada O, Herrera-Torres E, Villarreal-Rodríguez G
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 12-21
PDF size: 264.32 Kb.
A study was conducted to evaluate the chemical composition and ruminal fermentation
parameters of diets consumed by grazing cattle during two seasons of year. Four steers
with esophageal cannulae (350 ± kg BW) were used in randomized complete design.
Highest protein crude (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and
in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) values were obtained in wet season as compared dry season
(P‹0.05). Interaction season x time was observed for ruminal ammonia nitrogen (NH3-
N) (P‹0.05). NH3-N concentrations registered at different times were lower in the dry
season and higher in wet season (P‹0.05). No season x time interactions were detected
for pH and volatile fatty acids concentrations (VFA) (P‹0.05). However, propionate and
butyrate concentrations as well as total volatile fatty acids were higher in the wet season
compared to the dry season (P‹0.05); although acetate concentrations were higher in
the dry season. The results indicate that cattle required protein and energy
supplementation during dry season.
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