2011, Number 2
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2011; 3 (2)
Exploring the historic-socio-cultural premises of the Mexican family based on beliefs and norms
Díaz-Loving R, Rivera AS, Villanueva OGBT, Cruz MLM
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 128-142
PDF size: 278.86 Kb.
The study of the historic-socio-cultural premises of the Mexican family extends through the last 5 decades (Diaz-Guerrero, 1963, 1972, 1981, 1994b, 2003). Both psychometric and descriptive studies conducted with junior high school adolescents (ages 12 to 15) approach the premises as a single unitary concept that is distributed in a series of conceptually clear and robust factors. For the present research project, the data from a sample of 266 male and 320 female students gathered in 2008 are psychometrically analyzed by first separating items that refer to behavioral norms from those that indicate beliefs. The results show similar dimensions to the reported in previous research, although the separation of norms and beliefs yields theoretically clearer factors and significant and conceptually congruent scale inter-correlations. Finally, sex by grade analysis of variance shows a faster transformation of traditional culture in the case of females and those with more education.
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