2011, Number 1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2011; 3 (1)
Death of a loved one: Validity and reliability of a measure of emotion regulation
Sánchez AR, Gutiérrez MC, Valencia TJA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 72-84
PDF size: 290.15 Kb.
Bereavement has been studied from different perspectives. This process has been seen as the reactions after the death of a beloved person, taking into account psychological, emotional and social issues. The emotional area is the most affected in the individual, because of the affective links with the beloved person in life and death. The present research was oriented to test the validity and reliability of a measure (Sanchez Aragon, 2008) to identify the emotional regulation strategies in 100 persons who experienced the death of a loved one. The measure tests the five processes of emotional regulation proposed by Gross and Thompson (2007). Findings show the presence of some strategies congruent with the phases or tasks of the bereavement process, such as: incongruent response, distraction, concentration, denial, sharing, anxiousness and sadness.
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