2008, Number 4
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2008; 9 (4)
About the best therapeutic practices for the abuse/addiction of psychotropic
Souza MM, Cruz ML
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 313-316
PDF size: 49.25 Kb.
Abuse/addiction of psychotropic drugs is a multifactorial problem and as such its treatment has to not solved only the own problems of the addict, but also of his(her) social environment (relatives, friends, companions, couple, etc.), that is the so called Troubles Related to the Consumption (TRC), which have multiple treatments. Among them, we can find pharmacotherapy, behavioral programs of prevention, community support, conjugal therapy, the prescribed treatment and, in case of the teenagers, the therapy, professional orientation, services of scattering, advising in case of crisis, among others available in schools. The chosen treatments must settle any problems of coordination, management or conflicts of interest for a better impact in the solution of the TRC.
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