2008, Number 4
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2008; 9 (4)
Painful shoulder syndrome for lesion of rotator cuff: management with botullinum toxin
Arriaga JJ, Quiñones S, Toriz OA, Bertado N, García SAB, Plascencia N, Núñez L
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 261-267
PDF size: 118.12 Kb.
Introduction: The Rotator Cuff lesion is the most common cause of Painful Shoulder Syndrome and the treatment depends on which phase it is. The botulinum toxin improves the pain related with muscular alterations, independent of its effect on the contractile function. The present study shows the effect of the botulinum toxin as treatment in a series of patient with Painful Shoulder Syndrome with Rotator Cuff lesion.
Methods: Patients with diagnose of Painful Shoulder Syndrome with Rotator Cuff lesion were included and classified according to the phase in which they were. All of them were infiltrated in the affected shoulder with botulinum toxin. They were followed four weeks later to evaluate the change of pain intensity. We performed calculation of measures of central tendency.
Results: 12 patients were included. They presented an improvement average of 75% in pain intensity, without differences in response no matter the phase they were.
Conclusion: The present study shows the utility of the botulinum toxin as an alternative treatment in Painful Shoulder Syndrome with Rotator Cuff lesion.
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