2008, Number 3
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2008; 9 (3)
Anxiety disorders and co-morbid of the consumption of psychotropic and other substances of abuse
Souza MM
Language: Spanish
References: 72
Page: 215-226
PDF size: 90.26 Kb.
Anxiety disorders, characterized by behavioral and physiological changes similar to those caused by fear, show symptomatic similarity unclear for the patient, making difficult its diagnosis and treatment. Its various clinical conditions are associated to addiction in its dual nature: of psychiatric and addictive co-morbidity (derived from psychotropic consumption or other abuse/dependence substances). Its etiology has available for its study, several theoretical points of view (psychodynamic, behavioral, and cognitive). Beyond the terminological confusion between anxiety, anguish, and panic attack, anxiety is distinguished between exogenous (phobias) and endogenous anxiety (panic and generalized anxiety). Its clinical variations: generalized anxiety disorder, panic attack; fobic disorders (specific phobias, social phobia and agoraphobia without panic disorder) PTSD; obsessive-compulsive disorder; anxiety disorder, due to medical condition induced by drugs require for their diagnosis the analysis of the deployment and evolution of symptoms and family history. Primary care personnel in the various countries take care of 90% of the cases. However, they only derive to a specialist (psychiatrist, neurologist, etc.) those cases with psychotic signs, suicidal attempts, episodes associated with bipolar disorder, or because of lack of response to treatment. This should promote reconsideration of their professional performance, not only at their basic training but also at the continuous one, in main psychiatric issues such as anxiety and co-morbidity, key ones for early detection, improved diagnosis and proper treatment.
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