2007, Number 3
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2007; 8 (3)
Neurologic Restoration Program in Patients with Neuroblastic Migration Disorders
Vera CH, Maragoto RC, Alonso VM, Sarduy SI, Rodriguez VN, Denis VM
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 241-249
PDF size: 66.51 Kb.
Introduction: Neuroblastic Migration Disorders constitute a group of malformations of cortical development. During the last decades, there have been advances in molecular biology, genetics and imaging techniques for its diagnosis but not so for its treatment. These elements, together with the development of a Neurologic Restoration Program at our Center, compelled us to perform the following study.
Objective: To clinically characterize the hospitalized patients at our center with an
imagenologic diagnosis of neuroblastic migration disorders and to evaluate the effects of our Neurologic Restoration
Patients and Methods: We performed a series of studies on the 114 patients in pediatric ages affected with
Neuroblastic Migration disorders who underwent the Neurologic Restoration Program, The neurologic sequels were evaluated
before and after the Program through Gross Motor Functions, Articulatory Praxis and Ashworth Spasticity Scales.
Results: 35 cases with heterotopies, 24 with complex Agiria-paquigiria, 28 with squizencephaly, 21 with polymicrogiria and 6 with hemimegalencephaly were diagnosed. After the application of the program we obtained an improvement of 7.9% in the Gross Motor Function scale, a 9.6% in Articulatory Praxis Scale and a diminishing of 0.6 points in the Ashworth Spasticity Scale.
Conclusions: Clinic characteristics of our patients do not differ from those referred in other series. After the application of the program, benefits were obtained, a fact demonstrated with a significant statistical improvement in the three applied scales.
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