2013, Number 2
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2013; 12 (2)
Elements of join medicalization with the western medical tradition and contemporary health Koine
G RA, Arceo GME, Ocaña SH
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 275-285
PDF size: 56.40 Kb.
Introduction: rationality and measurability of health-supporting social imaginary
disease to generate a health
koine that articulates with the Western medical
tradition to determine how to live a healthy life.
Objective: identify historical and philosophical elements that allow to approach the
understanding of medicalization as the linchpin of the Western Medical Tradition
and contemporary health
Develo Starting point: the medicalization goes back to school Hippocratic and
thinking Andreas Vesalius, identifies health oblivion, the hegemony of the disease
and the measurability of clinical variables as elements that give meaning to the
Western Medical Tradition.
Horizon of understanding: the mathematization of nature and ownership of the
experiment by William Harvey and Claude Bernard, can approach the disease
through the concept of normal and pathological, also highlights the influence of the
material conditions of life in the process of becoming ill.
Fusion of horizons: the influence of social in medicine through Durkheim,
Canguilhem, Dubos, Salleras, Terris, Pérez Lovelle, Laframboise and Lalonde,
creates a syncretism that allows to define the field of health and incorporating the
patient's responsibility to maintain health state.
Conclusions: The study leads to the conclusion that: the neglect of health, the
hegemony of the disease, the measurability of clinical variables, normality,
determinants of health and lifestyles are elements that articulate the Western
medical tradition with health
Koine contemporary.
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