2013, Number 4
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2013; 17 (4)
Current trends of the process to develop research skills in Medical Students
Herrera MGL
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 138-153
PDF size: 134.17 Kb.
Introduction: the process to develop research skills in Medical students is
behaving as a priority in several universities all over the world.
Objective: to present some considerations regarding the trends and perspectives
of the process to develop research skills in Medical students.
Material and method: a documentary analysis was carried out as empirical
method along with logical proceedings of thinking: induction-deduction, analysissynthesis.
Results: worldwide trends regarding this process in addition to Cuba, specifically at
the Medical University in Pinar del Rio were explained, assuming the following
international trends: problem solving-based learning, the model of research-skills
development, Boyer's commission to develop research skills in universities,
implantation of active-didactic strategies in the framework of a cognitive paradigm
for the institutional programme of study which included: research-breeding
grounds, evidence-based medicine and learning trough research-based designs.
The trends of the process in Cuba comprise the syllabuses, a model of professional,
as well as the work of the teaching staff and students.
Conclusions: facing the challenges of current Public Health Services, it is
necessary to develop innovative educational proposals characterized by studentcentered
learning, promoting this way the contribution of students to the
development of indispensable skills in order to satisfy the demands of their
professional practice, where research skills are developed.
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