2013, Number 3
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Rev Invest Clin 2013; 65 (3)
Morbidity of breast cancer and cervico-uterine cancer in women from the Occidental region of Mexico
Ortega-Cervantes L, Rojas-García AE, Robledo-Marenco ML, Barrón-Vivanco BS, Girón-Pérez MI, Vallejo-Ruiz V, López-Flores JF, Carrillo-Cortez A, Cantú-De León D, Rodríguez-Trejo A, Medina-Díaz IM
Language: English
References: 20
Page: 221-227
PDF size: 147.65 Kb.
Background. The incidences of breast cancer (BC) and cervico-uterine cancer (CC) vary widely from country to country. In Mexico, BC mortality has doubled in the last 20 years to become the second leading cause of death for women aged 30 to 54 years. CC is the most common cause of death from neoplasia in women over 25 years old. In 2006, the state of Nayarit had one of the highest mortality rates for these types of cancers in Mexico.
Objective. To analyze and characterize the current demographics and morbidities associated with BC and CC in the state of Nayarit.
Material and methods. In this retrospective study, the clinical histories of patients who were diagnosed with BC or CC at the State Cancer Center from January 2006 to December 2010 were analyzed.
Results. A total of 406 patients with BC and 328 patients with CC were registered. The most common clinical stage for both cancer types was IIB. The municipalities of San Pedro Lagunillas and El Nayar presented the highest prevalences of BC and CC, respectively.
Conclusion. Our results suggest that women living in poorer and more marginalized regions have a higher possibility of developing BC and CC. Because BC and CC are preventable and treatable in their early stages, demographic information from population records for these cancers is helpful in determining the incidence rates and patterns and improving decision-making processes.
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