2012, Number 2
Knowledge about contraception in adolescents of a preuniversitary in San José de las Lajas municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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A descriptive, transversal study was carried out on 321 students of both sexes of “Raquel Pérez” Preuniversitary Institute in San José de las Lajas municipality, in the period between May 2009 and May 2010 and it was identified the level of knowledge that they possess about contraceptive methods. The data collection was performed through a previously validated survey by the Scientific Council. It was concluded that the level of knowledge of students about contraception was deficient: the most known contraceptive method was the condom which was identified as the most effective, adolescents did not take into account the risks of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections during unprotected sex. Parents were recognized as the biggest contributors of information about different contraceptive methods, it was evidenced that the Basic Health Team did not do a good educative work about contraception with the adolescent population. It is recommended a short-term educational intervention that helps to strengthen the knowledge of adolescents about contraceptive methods and streamline the work of the Primary Health Care regarding adolescent sexual education.REFERENCES
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