2013, Number 2
Characterization of the care hospital process of extremely severe maternal morbidity
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 98-106
PDF size: 110.86 Kb.
Introduction: the term extremely serious or severe maternal morbidity is considered very useful as this is an indicator highly associated to maternal death and an intermediate stage in virtually all of the deceased cases.Objective: To characterize the processes of hospital care to extremely severe maternal morbidity in Havana during 2009.
Methods: a descriptive study was conducted in six gynecological and maternal services in Havana from January to December 2009, in order to characterize the hospital processes of care to extremely serious maternal cases. Medical records and forms were completed for this purpose. The arising results were taken in a database in Access. Results are expressed through averages and percentages and are shown in tables and graphs.
Results: classification by color coding and identification of risk obstetrics showed values of 80.6% and 73.1% respectively. Tracking early signs of hypovolemic shock only reached 81% and 77% of these patients underwent a cesarean, out of which 75.5% had a complication during or after this procedure. Hypovolemic shock was the extremely severe maternal morbidity for specific disease.
Conclusions: non-compliance of care processes could adversely affect the care of extremely severe maternal morbidity and even increased mortality.
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