2013, Number 4
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2013; 51 (4)
Activities after school time and obesity in children. Infl uence of family and neighborhood environment
Yamamoto-Kimura LT, Alvear-Galindo MG, Morán-Álvarez C, Acuña-Sánchez ME, Torres-Durán PV, Juárez-Oropeza MA, Ferreira-Hermosillo A, Solís-Díaz MG
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 378-383
PDF size: 83.58 Kb.
Background: elementary school children spend little time at the school
in Mexico. The aim was to investigate the activities after school time in
children and to determine the presence of overweight and obesity.
Methods: one hundred and seventy two children of both sexes were
included. They belonged to the fi rst and second grade of an offi cial primary
school from a marginalized zone. Somatometry was obtained and
the type of physical practice and motifs for no practice physical activity
were investigated. Descriptive statistical was applied.
Results: the frequency of underweight was 12.1 %, overweight 19 %,
and obesity 18.5 %. Sedentary activities like watching television and
playing video games were the most common registered, whereas sports
were the lowest physical activity practiced, especially in girls. The parents’
lack of time, low family income, and the scarcity of safe spaces
where children can play and practice physical activity or sports were the
most related factors.
Conclusions: poverty and insecurity of the neighborhoods infl uence
on the outside activities after school time. The high frequency of underweight,
overweight and obesity in school children were associated to the
lack of physical activity.
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