2013, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter 2013; 29 (1)
Challeges of the present century: nanotechnology and health
Echevarría-Castillo F
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 3-15
PDF size: 182.58 Kb.
Medicine and science have been walking together through human history. With the
beginning of the century, many important scientific results have emerged in
nanotechnology applied to medicine. Medicine is a potential market of nano world,
with revolutionary implications that could bring, i.e. the cure of cancer, or the
treatment of different diseases according to the specific characteristics of each
patient, achieving a substantially better quality of life of the citizens. Cuba has a great opportunity in this new area due to its scientific potential in biomedical applications
and its exchange with different countries to guarantee the domain of this new
technology. This article addresses the working scale of nanotechnology, as well as
provides the proposed definition of this term by the leading institutions in this field. It
also provides information on the different areas comprising nanomedicine and gives a
brief overview of nanomedicine worldwide and in Cuba, and its possible negative
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