2012, Number 7
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waxapa 2012; 4 (7)
Self-care and therapeutic adherence in diabetes from the patient perspective
Alarcón LNS, Rizo BMM, Cortés CE, Cadena SF
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 24-32
PDF size: 151.57 Kb.
Introduction: Dorothea Orem defines Self-care as a regulatory function of man that people must deliberately carry on by themselves or had should carried out to maintain his life, health, development and well-being.
Objective: Identify if the perceived perspective that the patient has about diabetes after the participation on an educational intervention influences on the recommendations implementation of the self-care agency and the therapeutic adherence.
Methodology: descriptive study, quasiexperimental with methodological triangulation. Sample of 200 patients, distributed in 2 groups: intervention and control. Educational intervention of 12 weeks length and focal groups for interviews.
Results: homogeneous sociodemographic data in both groups. Self-care index and adherence to treatment without significant differences initially. Higher means and medians in the intervention group in the agency of self-care and adherence to treatment after the intervention.
Discussion: both groups were similar in the studied variables. In the intervention group the model of the nursing intervention showed significant outcomes on the self-care and the therapeutic adherence, showing significant differences over the control group.
Conclusions: In relation to self-care of diabetes, during the interview with the patients after receiving the educational intervention changed their performance to keep their well-being. The interviewed patients showed a raise in the health responsibility and new knowledge was generated in the nutrition, which reflected in the attitude changing at the drugs intake.
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