2013, Number 1
Gender Perspective Characterization of Women Battered by their Partners
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 15-26
PDF size: 208.82 Kb.
Background: The study of violence from a gender perspective provides a new approach on the behavior of women who decide to end or sustain abusive relationships.Objective: To characterize, from a gender perspective, women who have been battered by their partners.
Methods: A descriptive study was conducted in the Area V Polyclinic of Cienfuegos in 2010 including 21 women who reported the crime and 42 battered women who did not denounced it, both groups belonging to the same consultation area. The variables analyzed were age, educational level, skin color, type of violence, mobile to make or not the report, characterization, stereotypes, gender identity and roles, lasting time of the violent relationship, perception of the support of mediating groups and basic health team and emotional and psychophysiological reactions.
Results: By analyzing these variables for each group, no significant differences were found in terms of the identifying features, lasting time of the violent relationship and perceived support of the basic health team. Differences found in respect to the type of violence were indeed statistically significant, as well as those in gender identity, stereotyped patterns, roles playing, negative emotional reactions, and perceptions of mediating groups.
Conclusions: Partners abuse has a negative impact on the health of women experiencing intimate violence, basically in the cases of those who do not report the crime.
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