2013, Number 03
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MediSan 2013; 17 (03)
Morbidity and mortality from abdominal trauma during four year-period 2007-2010
Merilien F, Cisneros DCM, Escalona CJA, Rodríguez FZ, Romero GLI
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 435-448
PDF size: 127.72 Kb.
Introduction: Injuries are the third cause of death in developed countries. In Cuba
they represent the fourth and the first one in people younger than 50 years.
Objectives: To characterize patients with abdominal trauma according to selected
variables and to determine their status at discharge.
Methods: An applied descriptive study was carried out in a sample of 346 patients
with abdominal trauma (surgically treated or not), who were discharged from the
Department of General Surgery of “Saturnino Lora” Provincial Teaching Clinical
Surgical Hospital of Santiago de Cuba during the fourth year-period 2007-2010.
Results: Open trauma caused by stab wound and abdominal ultrasound as the most
valuable diagnostic tool prevailed. Therapeutic laparotomies were performed in 61.2%
of patients undergoing surgery due to injuries in liver, small bowel and spleen, for
surgeries of hepatorrhaphy, intestinal resection and splenectomy, respectively. The
most common complications were hemorrhagic shock (main cause of death) and
infection of the surgical site.
Conclusions: Frequency of unnecessary laparotomies remains high and to prevent
them it is recommended reducing the time between injury and surgery, which is critical
to maintain the hemodynamic stability of the patient that allows conducting diagnostic
studies (computerized tomography and videolaparoscopy) and the relevant treatments.
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