2013, Number 1
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Mediciego 2013; 19 (1)
Vacter Limb Association. A case Presentation
Broughton FJ, Pino MMS, Pérez RM, Morffi LY, González RG, Avello BI
Language: Spanish
References: 9
PDF size: 404.98 Kb.
VACTERL designates a set of anomalies, each one of them produced by different causes, that
affect several structures of the organism and is owing to an upset produced between the fourth
and sixth week of the embryonic development. It is very rare and only 250 cases have been
described throughout the world. The case of new born, son of mother with gestacional diabetes
appears, twin, that shows to compatible malformations with a primary defect of VACTERL
development (association of Vertebral, anal, cardiovascular, Tracheo-esophageal, and limb,
with other smaller associate defects.
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