2013, Number 1
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Invest Medicoquir 2013; 5 (1)
Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia in double space in abdominal hysterectomy
Fernández WR, Correa PJM, Labrada DA, Tamargo BTO
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 72-83
PDF size: 327.85 Kb.
Introduction. The regional anesthesia by using the combination of the technical epidural and subarachnoidea achieves a quick start-up of the anesthetic
blockade with the possibility to extend this one by means of the extradural encore of dose of local anesthetics through a peridural catheter.
Methods. It was realized a descriptive, longitudinal investigation in a total of 100 patients ASA I and II programmed for elective surgery in
“General Calixto García” Hospital in the period April 2008–May 2009. Combined spinal epidural anesthesia was applied fulfilling the inclusion criteria.
Results. There was a physiological descent in the systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure just as heart rate, being but marked at 5 minutes
after the beginning of the procedure for after keep stable all parameters. The main immediate complications occurred was bradycardia (52 %) and low
arterial blood pressure (11 %). The back pain was the mediate complication but frequently opposing (20 %).
Conclusions. By considering the stable
hemodynamic conduct and the low incidence of complications, we recommended for abdominal hysterectomy, the combined spinal epidural anesthesia as a good
procedure of regional anesthesia.
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