2013, Number 103
Utility of rapid influenza test during the epidemic of influenza A (H1N1) in a family medicine unit. Mexico, 2009
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 249-255
PDF size: 227.02 Kb.
Objective: To determine the sensitivity and specificity of rapid test (QuickVue A + B ®) of influenza during the epidemic of influenza A(H1N1) of suspected cases assigned to Family Care Unit.Material and Methods: The influenza-like illness cases (ILI) enrolled in a Family Medicine Unit, were enrolled in the SINOLAVE. We included cases with rapid test result and throat swab/nasal for PCR. We determined the sensitivity and specificity of rapid test stratified by the number of days on which the sample was collected by Wilson scale with CI95%.
Results: Ninety-four cases of ILI were analyzed between May and December 2009 with a report of laboratory results, 54% were female, with no statistical difference in age (t = 12 604, 22.63, 95% CI 19.07-26.21). The overall sensitivity and specificity were 0.851 and 0.50, respectively. Stratifying from 0 to 2 days of onset of clinical symptoms were: 0.903 and 0.50, for 3 to 4 days: 0.667 and 0.50, 5 to 6 days: 0.667 and 0.0, or more of 7 days could not be calculated for the low number of records.
Conclusions: The sensitivity of rapid test for influenza in this study was adequate, especially in the first 48 hours of inset.
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Secretaría de Salud. Conferencia de prensa ofrecida por el Secretario de Salud Federal, José Ángel Córdova Villalobos, Secretario de Salud del Distrito Federal, Armando Ahued y el Secretario de Salud del Estado de México, Roberto Martínez Poblete, en la Residencia Oficial de Los Pinos. 24 de abril de 2009. http://portal.salud. gob.mx/redirector?tipo=0&n_seccion=Boletines&secci on=2009-04-24_3869.html
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