2013, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2013; 27 (2)
Subrotation of neonatology in the study program of the subject Pediatrics of the medical studies
Robaina CGR
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 228-238
PDF size: 81.07 Kb.
The current study program of the subject Pediatrics in the medical studies, which has been in effect since April 2010 in Cuba, has endeavoured to solve the differences between the two previous programs. The objective of this article was to make a critical analysis of the topic "newborn" that is included in the study program. Each of the objectives of this topic, its system of contents, the teaching methods and the time distribution were analyzed; at the same time, recommendations were made regarding those aspects that might be improved. The main difficulty of the present program is that the correspondence between the contents of the topics and the teaching methods has not been specified. As to the topic "newborn", this difficulty implies teaching inter-unit variations in the way of teaching the concepts and even in the contents as well. It was recommended to include a calendar plan covering the distribution of the teaching methods according to the various contents.
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