2013, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2013; 24 (2)
Social inequalities and diabetes mellitus
Domínguez AE
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 200-213
PDF size: 71.66 Kb.
Social inequalities bring about effects that can be measured up in health losses. The
social determinants in health such as gender, ethnics, incomes and education are
beyond doubts the leading basis for health inequalities. Diabetes mellitus, one of
the main global health problems owing to its epidemic behavior in the last few
decades, is a disease heavily affected by social elements. The present paper was
aimed at describing the influence of the various social determinants over the risk of
developing diabetes mellitus and over the disease prognosis. It covered general
conceptual aspects about equity in health and delved into how each of the social
determinants has an impact on the susceptibility to developing diabetes mellitus, on
the access to quality health services, and consequently, on the health outcomes.
Moreover, it included some elements that evidence the peculiarities of this topic
within the domestic context. It was concluded that social inequalities have a direct
effect on the present situation of diabetes mellitus worldwide, so knowing its
implications becomes indispensable to direct the drawing up of prevention and
control strategies programs for this disease.
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