2013, Number 2
Physical exam in the integrated diabetes mellitus service
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 188-199
PDF size: 173.50 Kb.
Introduction: diabetes mellitus is increasingly prevailing and in 2011, the potentially lost years of life from this disease amounted to 1.5 in the 1-74 y age group in Cuba. This disease requires to thoroughly devote to the care and prevention of complications. The clinical method has deteriorated and the physical exam included in it has been underestimated by several physicians around the world.Objective: to emphasize the importance of the physical exam in the consultation services for diabetes mellitus patients, in order to early detect or suspect of complications from diabetes and thus to contribute to improve the quality of the medical care.
Methods: a review of the domestic and foreign literature including data on the primary care to diabetics, use of databases on Internet, texts on the physical exam to diabetics and the integration of the above-mentioned with the experiences of the authors.
Results: the examination of weight, size and indexes of interest, skin, mucosas, nails, subcutaneous cell tissue, thyroids, lower limbs, osteomyoarticular system, mouth, pulses, blood pressure, heart frequency, patellar and achylean reflexes, superficial sensitivity, and some deep sensitivities, in addition to funduscopy are key elements of the physical exam in caring the diabetic patients.
Conclusions: the physical exam should be oriented or guided to explore weight, size and indexes of interest, skin, mucosas, nails, subcutaneous cell tissue, thyroids, lower limbs, osteomyoarticular system, mouth, pulses, blood pressure, heart frequency, patellar and achylean reflexes, superficial sensitivity, and some deep sensitivities, in addition to funduscopy. This will allow a detailed screening and early detection of complications and thus better quality medical care.
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