2013, Number 2
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Acta Med 2013; 11 (2)
Effect of intubation-time on inflammatory cellular reaction in patient with orotraqueal tube
Gallegos-Arzola R, Rojas-Saiz WH, Rocha MG, Carrero-Soto H, Rendón MME
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 69-75
PDF size: 383.22 Kb.
Inflammation post-intubation is a frequent phenomenon.
The use of orotraqueal balloon at controlled pressures
allows reducing this complication. But, the time effect still
needs to be evaluated or still needs evaluation.
To evaluate the inflammatory cellular reaction (by Papanicolaou
method) in patient with different times of intubation.
Material and methods: We recruited 64 patients (18 to 90
years old), with no-urgent surgery, ASA 1-2, with clinically
easy intubation and pre-medication with AINES or steroids.
During the intubation, the balloon pressure was maintaining
‹ 20 mmHg. At take out the orotraqueal cannula, a
cytology smear was obtained. The level of inflammation
was assessed by one cytopathologic observer (intra-rater
Kappa = 0.97), as absent, medium, moderate or severity.
Results: All patients showed some inflammatory reaction.
All those with less than 75 minutes of intubation showed
medium inflammation (9), in those between 75 to 120
minutes predominated middle inflammation over moderate
(14 versus 11), and in those with more than 120 minutes
predominated a moderate inflammation (19 versus 11), χ
lineal by lineal 8.8
1fg p = 0.003. In multivariable adjustment,
per each 30 minutes the risk of moderate inflammation
increased 1.6 (CI
95%; 1.08-2.4, p = 0.02). There were not
patient with severity inflammation.
Conclusions: The
time of orotraqueal intubation increase the risk of cellular
inflammation reaction eventhough pressure is adequate.
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