2013, Number 2
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2013; 27 (2)
Opportune institutional psychological intervention in pregnant patients with diabetes mellitus
Pimentel-Nieto D, Morales-Carmona F, Claudia Sánchez-Bravo C, Meza- Rodríguez P
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 98-105
PDF size: 444.14 Kb.
On the healthcare field it is well known that a timely intervention leads to better results and prognosis in regard of what is being taking care of and a timely intervention in the mental healthcare is no exception to such affirmation. Psychology inside the healthcare institutions focuses its attention towards patients because they are sick or they are undergoing a process that needs medical attention. It is clear that in both circumstances there is an effect in the emotional and psychic sphere of the person and specialization has led medical intervention to concentrate different disciplines for the comprehensive and integral care of the patient. The interdisciplinary has an effect in the relation between costs–benefits due to the importance of establishing actions tending to prevent mental disorder as to the optimization of the resources through the reference and selective attention of patients. Nevertheless, when we have an issue of metal health, the healthcare professionals don’t always have well specified criteria for referring the patient to psychological treatment. If we recognize the necessity of referring the patient to a specialist, we can speed up and make easier the resolution of the patient’s problem in the institution. This is why in the present document our intention is to describe certain guidelines to help the healthcare staff make the timely decision for referring the patient to the psychological staff for. We will emphasize towards the patient diagnosed with diabetes with a risky pregnancy.
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